Our attorneys use New York’s personal injury laws to advocate for victims suffering as a result of the negligence of another and who chose to sue people personally or organizations/businesses responsible for their injuries and damages.

If your injuries limit your mobility, an attorney can come and meet you. We represent clients throughout the 5 Boroughs, Long Island and Westchester County.

We represent clients who are seriously injured as a result of motor vehicle accidents, slip/trip and fall accidents, construction accidents or accidents in the workplace. Our experience in personal injury litigation coupled with our shark attitude, our attorneys know what will drive litigation and what wins cases.

A personal injury is any injury you suffer as a result of someone else’s negligent act. The unfortunate truth is when you’re injured in an accident, insurance companies are not on your side. While they may offer a quick settlement, this is to protect their bottom line, not your best interest. The only way to get the compensation you are truly doing is through legal action brought by an aggressive personal injury law firm. Your injuries can have long-term consequences such as medical expenses, lost wages, home and lifestyle modifications, and personal pain and suffering that demand aggressive legal representation. It is important that you know how to choose a personal injury attorney.

To get the best possible result, choosing the right law firm is crucial. Our lawyers are all proven litigators who are ready to go to trial if a fair agreement cannot be reached through negotiation. We negotiate settlements from a position of strength and sometimes avoid trial altogether.

Protect Your Rights

Contact us if you have been injured by any of the following:

  • Car accidents; including injuries from accidents with uninsured and underinsured motorists and car accidents while on the job.
  • Commercial vehicle/truck accidents
  • Construction and workplace accidents; including Workers’ Compensation protecting your rights when an injury occurs on the job which may entitle you to collect workers’ compensation and a personal injury “Third Party Action” at the same time
  • Premises liability; including slip-and-fall accidents and unsafe conditions
  • Ladder and scaffolding accidents including falls from heights

There may be some costs associated with developing your case, but you will only pay an attorney fee if we recover a financial settlement or verdict for you.

Insurance company representatives are on the lookout for “statements” you tell them that will damage your case. Before you communicate with ANY insurance representatives, it is important to speak with a lawyer who will protect you by advising you of your rights.

Don’t Settle For Less Than You Deserve

Accident victims are entitled to seek compensation for a serious injury they have suffered through the negligence of another. This includes compensation for damages, lost wages, and medical expenses. Our attorneys represent accident victims who have suffered a brain injury, broken bones (fractures), back injury, neck injury, and various.

We are trained trial attorneys ready to be sharks and fight for you and maximize recoveries. The insurance companies know we will take a case to trial if the offer is undervalued.

Our attorneys have experience evaluating cases and there are several elements of damages that courts allow plaintiffs to recover for when they are the victim of a personal injury. Pain and suffering and mental anguish are called general damages. Lost wages and medical expenses are called special damages. Our attorneys will review New York and Federal case law on similar types of injuries and fact patterns to evaluate your potential recovery.

If you or someone you love has been injured or lost their life due to the negligence of a motorist, property owner, product manufacturer, healthcare provider, or corporation, contact the attorneys at The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC.


New York has specific laws and safety standards, and regulations that building owners and general as well as subcontractors must adhere to ensure protection for workers of all trades. While Union workers who are injured on the job are entitled to Workers’ Compensation, additional compensation and lawsuits are also necessary when a separate “third party” is found negligent, breaching their legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment. Workers’ Compensation claims cover medical bills related to the accident and if an injured worker is unable to work, the Workers’ COmpensation insurance may also pay for the time out of work!


Our union and construction site workers who have been injured in an accident due to a third party’s action are entitled to sue and recover damages for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, future medical treatment costs, and lost wages (including future wages calculated by an expert). Filing a personal injury construction accident lawsuit is the first and most crucial step to ensure that our injured clients regain their pre-accident health while remaining on good financial ground.


Countless construction & Union workers in New York City, Long Island and Westchester are faced with debilitating injuries, lost wages, and crippling medical expenses, yet too often, they fear damaging relationships with employers or their union hall by filing for workers’ compensation or bringing a third-party lawsuit. Injured workers do not need to fret over this as Workers’ Compensation insurance affords all working the right to medical and indemnity compensation when injured while in the course of their employment.


If you or a family member has been hurt or died due to a workplace accident, let our experienced personal injury attorneys at The Grigoropoulos Law Group educate you and advise you of your rights as we gear up to fight for you to ensure maximum compensation. You and your family need to focus on your physical well-being and recovery. We understand the anxiety and financial stress that our clients are under. For that reason, our legal team works collaboratively to create a solid legal position to take on the companies that have caused so much stress and aggravation to our clients. We encourage all injured workers to act quickly to allow us to begin our investigation and fight to a successful recovery! Construction sites change quickly, witnesses’ memories fade, and other workers disappear as they often move on to other sites. Locating witnesses and documenting the scene are crucial first steps to building a solid case.

If you have been seriously injured and believe someone other than your employer was responsible, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation, no attorneys fees will be paid unless we WIN YOU MONEY! We can meet you at our Ridgewood / Bushwick, Myrtle Avenue location, in our Bronx, White Plains Road / NYC location or one of our legal representatives can meet with you in the hospital to discuss your injuries. Call today (718) 249-7447 or (833) 3NY-HURT. We are available 24/7 to help you through your emergency!

Construction and Union Workers’ power in the Economy

Construction projects are a significant contributor to the U.S. economy, providing countless jobs and adding millions of dollars to the country’s gross domestic project, economically speaking. It is estimated that the construction industry employs more than seven (7) million people and creates nearly $1.5 trillion worth of buildings annually. There are currently almost a million construction companies in the United States. Construction as a general subsect, is one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, with hundreds of thousands of workplace injuries taking place each year.

Considering the high number of construction-related accidents each year, personal injury claims are pretty standard. Safety equipment can be lacking, leading to serious construction site injuries. When a third party is negligent in causing harm to a person on a construction site, an accident victim must understand their legal options under New York Whether you are a construction worker or an employer in the industry, workers’ compensation insurance as well as premise liability and building owner’s insurance is a necessity for construction contracts and the workers necessary for their completion. If you are an injured worker, you should speak with a lawyer and not fear your employer as your health and well-being comes first! Call our lawyers 24/7 to discuss your construction accident case at (718) 249-7447 or (833) 3NY-HURT.

Aggressive Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation & Construction Accident Attorneys ready to FIGHT FOR YOU!

The personal injury lawyers at The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC help injured construction workers obtain the compensation they deserve as a result of their construction accident. New York laws impose specific, strict workplace safety requirements on general contractors, subcontractors, and property owners in the construction industry. Our legal team has a strong knowledge of the construction industry, New York Labor Law, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and other applicable safety standards. It builds strong personal injury cases for victims of negligence at a construction site.

As an “all injury firm”, we are not just a personal injury firm, we are not only a workers’ compensation firm, we are personal injury trial lawyers education of all aspects involved in construction accident cases as we construction accident injuries seriously! We work around the clock to address every potential issue in the fight to maximize compensation for our injured clients, including financial recovery for economic damages, medical bills, as well as pain and suffering.

If you are a Construction worker “with our without” Union benefits, our attorneys will fight for your best resolution in labor law 240/241 cases, falls from heights, injuries sustained as a result of falling objects, scaffolding and / or crane accidents, burns or electructions, injuries involving other tradesmen on a jobsite, motor vehicle accidents while working on a jobsite, “caught between” accidents with heavy machinery as well as industrial accident or product liability, safety tool injuries ro amputations. Cranes, scaffolding, and ladders present significant hazards for construction workers throughout New York. Section 200 of the New York State Labor Law codifies strict guidelines for general contractors, crane and scaffolding companies, and others supervising and managing construction projects to help ensure worker safety.

Call our lawyers 24/7 to discuss your construction accident case at (718) 249-7447 or (833) 3NY-HURT.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS for filing motor vehicle accident claims in NY for injuries as a result of motor vehicle accidents, the time limit is three (3) years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit.

In order to receive medical treatment for your injuries through “no fault insurance” YOU MUST file your “no-fault application” within thirty, (30) days, beginning from the date of the accident.

Many motor vehicle accident victims may not be aware of “no-fault insurance”.  According to New York’s state laws, relatively minor injuries do not count in compensation claims. If the injuries you suffered in a car accident are minor, then you can’t sue the driver for compensation. Instead, you can apply for no-fault benefits that include lost wages and medical expenses. This should be filed within 30 days from the date of accident.

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common types of accidents that occur in New York. Motor vehicle accidents can lead to serious personal injuries, property loss and unfortunately, sometimes even death. These accidents may occur due to the negligent operators of the vehicles.

The injured party has the right to sue the responsible driver for compensation.

If you have been hurt in a motor vehicle accident, there are many confusing laws, and you could end up with less compensation than you deserve if you chose the wrong attorney! We will work as a team, by your side fighting for what you deserve!

Car Accidents

Serious car accident injuries occur every day. The impact a car accident can have on an individual and their family can be tremendous. Motor Vehicle accidents can cause an individual to sustain high medical costs and suffer permanent adverse effects, both personally and professionally, on their daily lives and income earning capabilities.

The investigation and litigation of serious car accidents and their resulting injuries is very complex and costly. In view of this, it is advised that you contact both a physician following a car accident and a car accident lawyer with experience.

Truck Accidents

If you are a victim of a truck accident, you might be able to receive compensation for injuries, property damages and lost wages. Proving that the truck driver committed negligence means you possibly have a case. This is why it is necessary to consult a motor vehicle accident attorney after you have been hurt in a truck accident.

Pedestrian Accidents

Were you hit by a motor vehicle while “on foot”? Pedestrians can be seriously injured when involved in a “pedestrian knock down” with a car.  The driver may have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs or driving recklessly. If you have been hurt in a pedestrian accident and are unable to travel the Grigoropoulos Law Group will come to you and advise you of your rights! Contact our firm today to speak with an experienced New York motor vehicle accident attorney.

Motorcycle / Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle and motorcycle drivers are prone to severe accident injuries, as they do not have the physical protection (No-Fault coverage) provided by a car. If you have been hurt in a bicycle or motorcycle accident contact our office to come in and speak to an attorney today!

DWI/DUI Accidents

Have you been injured in an accident due to a drunk driver? Contact The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC for help with your legal case against the responsible party.

Common causes for motor vehicle accidents

  • Speeding: Speeding is one of the major causes of motor vehicle accidents. Many drivers neglect the speed limit and become the causes of major motor vehicle accidents.
  • Distracted driving: Talking on cell phones, changing radio stations, sending text messages etc. come under distracted driving. These acts do not come under criminal acts, but still can lead to accidents.
  • Driver Fatigue: Some commercial drivers work overtime and become tired. They may feel sleepy and have difficulty concentrating on their driving.
  • Drunken driving/ Driving under influence of drugs: Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is very dangerous, as drugs and alcohol can impair the driver.
  • Improper weather conditions: Sometimes improper weather conditions like heavy snow, rain or fog can make a vehicle skid and cause an accident.
  • Improper maintenance of vehicle: Neglecting regular maintenance of a motor vehicle can lead to sudden failure of certain important parts of the vehicle, leading to accidents.
  • Improper turns/ wrong way driving/running red signals: Ignoring road rules like running stop signals, driving through wrong way and taking right or left turns where they are not supposed to be taken etc. can also lead to accidents.

Were you or someone you love injured by slipping or tripping and falling? If so, you may be entitled to compensation if you were injured on an individual’s property or premises.  In New York, proving these types of claims is not a simple task and in order to get the compensation you deserve you should be advised of all your rights and you should be aware of all your options. An attorney from The Grigoropoulos Law Group will meet with you face to face to discuss your accident. Call today to schedule a free consultation!

The attorneys of The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC fight to get victims of slip and fall and trip and fall accidents the compensation they are entitled to and deserve! We use the necessary resources and experts, first to advise whether there is a viable case and if so to strengthen your evidence of a foreseeable hazard.

What should you do after the accident?

After an automobile accident, gather all necessary information involving all drivers and passengers and refrain from making any type of statement or signing any papers without first consulting with an auto accident lawyer.

What is the role of our NY motor vehicle accident lawyers?

Motor vehicle accidents can be terrifying. If you were not at fault, then the “at fault party” will have to take responsibility of all damages done to you in the accident. This mostly leads to court trials. Do not try to handle the court on your own. Hiring an expert New York motor vehicle accident lawyer can extremely increase your chances of winning the case

When Is It Important To Contact My Attorney?

Communication between attorney and client is a key to a favorable outcome. As a client there is information you have in your possession that your lawyers may not be able to obtain without your help. You must always inform your attorney when you stop medical treatment, start treatment with a new doctor and/or undergo surgery. If you stopped medical treatments but begin feeling pain again you must contact your attorney. It is important to be honest with your attorneys and trust them. Many times clients do not inform their attorneys of prior injuries or medical conditions and this can be detrimental to your case. It is also important to contact your attorneys if you are subsequently injured.

How can I afford to hire an attorney for a Personal Injury case?

Everyone can afford to hire our firm. We are committed to providing quality and affordable legal representation to those in need. With The Grigoropoulos Law Group, PLLC., you pay no fee to your attorney unless we have been successful in settling your case or obtaining a successful verdict.

What is “No-Fault” Insurance in New York?

It is coverage afforded an occupant of a motor vehicle that is involved in an accident regardless of fault. Under New York law, you are entitled to No-Fault benefits paid by your own insurance company. Those No-Fault benefits involved: lost wages up to $2,000 a month, medical expenses for any treatment related to the accident or collision, as well as mileage to and from doctor’s offices. The benefits total at $50,000 unless you have purchased additional No–Fault insurance, which is available to you.

The coverage is also available to bicyclists and pedestrians struck by or hit by a portion of a motor vehicle. This coverage is designed to pay for your medical bills, lost wages and any medically necessary expenses and does not cover your personal injury and pain and suffering. It is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible following a motor vehicle accident as you must submit a no-fault application to the insurance carrier within 30 days of the date of accident in order to be eligible for the No-Fault coverage.

How do I choose my lawyer?

Choosing a lawyer for yourself or a family member can be one of the most important decisions you make. It is a good idea to make a list of questions to bring with you during your consultation. It is also very important that you feel comfortable with your attorney who will be a strong defender of your rights.

Why wouldn’t an attorney take My Motor Vehicle Accident Case?

It is commonly believed that if you are in an accident you are automatically entitled to compensation. Unfortunately, that is not true. The law requires that you must have sustained a serious injury in the state of New York in order to qualify.

We have decades of experience handling these types of cases, and know exactly what we need to prove in order to get you a fair settlement or a fair verdict.

Why Should I hire an attorney and not just go through my Insurance Company?

Very often insurance companies will contact you directly in order to try and settle your case. Unfortunately, you need to remember that insurance companies have only their own interest in mind. They are not out there to help you, and what they might offer you could be only a percentage of the full value of what your case is worth. Only an experienced lawyer in will know the real value of your case and can help you attain the maximum recovery that you’re entitled to for your injury and suffering.

What does my lawyer need for my personal injury case?

In the personal injury case it is important to gather all of the written documentation supporting your claim such as a police report or incident report. Without the proper documentation, it will be difficult for your attorney to evaluate the merits of your case and your options.

I was stopped and “Rear-Ended”. Is the other driver automatically at fault?

Typically the other driver is usually considered at fault for hitting another vehicle and “not maintaining a safe distance” and causing the collision. However, there is a possibility that the other vehicle will assert a justification for striking the rear of your car. You must contact an attorney with experience and knowledge in these areas who can explain the possible outcomes, call today to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.

Is a No-Fault Claim the same as a Bodily Injury Claim?

No. These two are separate and apart. “No fault” is coverage provided for a victim’s medical bills, lost wages and any medically necessary expenses such as transportation to and from doctor visits, medications, braces and bandages and home care. This coverage is not dependent on a persons fault.

A bodily injury claim is compensation for, an array of things; your injury, pain and suffering and who is at fault for the accident is also deliberated. You are eligible for no-fault benefits even if you do not commence a personal injury action/lawsuit. Similarly, you can also have a personal injury lawsuit even if you are not eligible for no-fault benefits.

What happens if I am injured by a motor vehicle that does Not have automobile insurance?

In cases such as these, if you or a member of your household maintains an automobile insurance policy then a claim can be made under this policy. If you or a member of your household does not have an insurance policy you may have legal recourse through the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC). MVAIC was established to pay bodily injury damages and no-fault benefits to qualified victims of motor vehicle accidents in which a viable insurance policy does not exist.

What do I do if I am involved in an accident with a vehicle that leaves the scene?

Get a description of the vehicle that left the scene, including a license plate and the state where the vehicle is registered and if possible, a description of the driver. You MUST report the accident to the police immediately or as soon as possible. Contact our attorneys today to discuss your case.

What can I do if I injure myself by a condition that I have been asking my Landlord to fix?

You may have a cause of action against your landlord if you could prove that your landlord knew or should have known about the condition upon which you were injured. It is important to make all complaints to your landlord and/or management company in writing, and you should keep a copy for yourself. It is best to send the written complaint certified return receipt requested or by a certificate of mailing.

Do I have a case against my Landlord if I am assaulted inside my building?

Whether you have a case in this situation is contingent upon whether the landlord had prior notice of the defective condition that allowed an unauthorized person to enter the building, such as a broken lock on the entrance/exit doors.

What Should I Do If I Slip/Trip And Fall And I Am Injured?

Just because an accident occurs in a store does not mean that the store is liable for your injuries.

  • Report the accident.
  • Document the exact location of exactly where you fell and how you would go back to the site of the accident.
  • Get the names, phone numbers and addresses of all witnesses.
  • Take a number of photographs of what you fell upon.
  • If there is construction going on in the area where you fell, document the names of any construction company. Often, there are permits posted that list the name of the contractors or there are trucks on the road bearing the company name.
  • If you are taken to the hospital make sure you give all ambulance and medical personnel an accurate description of your fall.

What happens once the jury reaches a verdict?

Once the jury reaches a verdict, the parties are called into the courtroom where the verdict is red allowed by the four person. Did you reverted consists of a form of questions which the jury has answered. After the foreperson reads the verdict, either party has the right to ask the judge to “poll” the jury, which means the judge will ask each juror individually if they agreed with the verdict of the jury.

What are closing arguments or summations?

A closing argument is the final factual and legal argument made by each attorney on both sides of the case in a trial prior to allowing the jury deliberate on a verdict or judgment. The plaintiff goes first giving closing arguments followed by the defense. Generally, and civil actions, the plaintiffs attorney speaks first and the defendants counsel immediately follows. In criminal trials, the prosecution gives it’s summation, followed by that of the defense. In addition the plaintiffs counsel or the prosecutor is allowed time for everybody argument. The reason for this additional time is that the burden of proof is on the plaintive or prosecution therefore the plaintiffs attorney or the prosecutor is allowed to reply to the defense’s closing argument.  An experienced trial lawyer will put great emphasis on their closing argument or summation because it is their last chance to be persuasive and convince the judge or jury of their case before the deliberations begin.

Following the closing arguments, the judge will read jury instructions to tell the jury the rules for deciding the keys and the applicable law which they must apply to the evidence which was presented. This usually takes approximately an hour. Immediately after the jury instructions the jurors will retire to the jury room to begin their deliberations. The first step and beginning the deliberations will involve the jurors selecting a foreperson to head the jury.

What happens after opening statements in a trial? & What is the timeline of a trial?

(both have the below answer)

After opening statements are concluded, the plaintiff’s on their case by calling witnesses favorable to their case first. The plaintiff attorney then directly examine each witness and the defense attorney is allowed to cross examine those witnesses attempting to discredit them or call into question their credibility. At the end of the plaintiffs case, after they “rest” The defense attorneys will then put on their case through the witnesses they believe support their defense.  These defense witnesses will be put on the stand and directly examined by the defense attorney and The plaintiffs counsel then gets to cross-examine witnesses in order to impeach them.

Once the defense concludes their case, the plaintiff is allowed to call rebuttal witnesses if necessary to rebut the witnesses who testified for the defenses case. All cases do not involve rebuttal witnesses and judges are typically strict about allowing this type of testimony. After all testimony and evidence have been presented and both sides rest, the next phase of trial is closing arguments or summations.

What are opening statements?

After voir dire, The next step is the opening statements. The court will instruct the jury that opening and closing statements are only argument of the attorneys and do not constitute evidence upon which averted. Each side usually gets on the allotted amount of time for opening statements to set the tone for the trial to begin and for witnesses to be questioned.

How do attorneys pick a jury?

The trial process can be very stressful as the outcome is near. Trial however, is the chance to tell your story to an objective group of individuals who will then decide the outcome of your case.

Picking the jury is a critical step which can affect the outcome of your case. Our experienced attorneys will strategize through jury selection based on the facts in order to select the best potential jurors.

The first step of a jury trial is to pick the jury. This process is called Voir Dire. A group of potential jurors are brought into a court room, then typically the judge asks the entire group basic background questions to eliminate the impartial or biased jurors. Once the judge has turned over these potential jurors to the attorneys, the lawyers are then allowed to question 12 jurors at a time more extensively. And repeat the following process until the required amount of jurors are sworn in. After a short period of questioning by the judge, the lawyers then go to the judge and strike or eliminate their unwanted jurors. Depending on the total number of jurors needed which are either 6 or 12 (depending on the court and severity) and 2-3 extra backup jurors, called “alternates” Who sit through the entire trial as well. Depending on the amount of jurors needed, each lawyer may get up to six chances to eliminate jurors for any reason whatsoever. If one attorney feels that a juror is biased they can then ask the judge to eliminate that juror “for cause”. There is no limit to “for cause” challenges to eliminate jurors. The judge is the only decision-maker of whether a juror will be eliminated for cause.

What Is A Deposition?

A deposition, also referred to as an Examination Before Trial (EBT), is the portion of the litigation process wherein you are questioned under oath by the defendant’s attorney. An attorney will prepare you for your testimony and will be present with you during the EBT. Some of the areas that you will be asked about are questions concerning how the accident occurred, your injuries, your medical treatment, what limitations you have as a result of your injuries and how your life has been affected as a result of the injuries you sustained.

Am I Eligible For Social Security Disability?You may be eligible for Social Security Disability if you have met the earnings requirement of the Social Security Act. You must be out of work for at least six (6) months and anticipate being out of work for an additional year prior to applying for Social Security Disability.

How Much Is My Case Worth?

Each and every case is different. Different factors such as fault, severity of injury and length of treatment must be taken into consideration when assessing the value of any case.

Should I Seek Medical Treatment?

Yes. If you are injured you should seek medical attention. Many times people who are involved in an accident do not think that their symptoms are serious. However, as the days progress your symptoms may worsen. It is also possible that you may not initially feel pain but wake up the next day or a few days later and feel pain. Very often the insurance companies will refuse to pay on claims, or underpay on claims, where there has been a delay in treatment or a long gap in treatment. Whatever the scenario, it is crucial to seek medical attention in order to document your pain and when that pain started.

Our attorneys can get involved in your claim at ANY stage; from filing the initial application, assisting you, if your claim was denied, helping you get your benefits reinstated, if the insurance company stopped payments before you were capable of returning to work.

Workers’ compensation law deals with employment benefits and that the term “disability” generally refers to inability to work

If you have recently been hurt while on the job, or have developed a disease or lingering physical impairment (occupational disease) as a result of your employment, you may be entitled to payments to compensate you for your medical expenses and lost wages. This is because you are protected by the New York workers’ compensation system, which provides benefits to injured employees.

When you seek our legal advice and guidance, we assist you in getting the medical care you need to regain your good health so that you can return to work and we evaluate the circumstances and details concerning your occupational illness in order to file your workers’ comp claim.

Have you been exposed to toxins or other substances on the job?

Have you developed an illness because of something in your work environment?

Has your job caused PTSD, depression or some other mental disorder?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be able to pursue workers’ compensation benefits for lost wages or required medical treatment. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can take charge of the exacting claims process, represent you at administrative hearings and help you obtain the cash and medical benefits to which you are entitled.

Our firm represents individuals who have contracted work-related medical conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, toxic inhalation or occupational asthma
  • Rashes, infections or other dermatological conditions
  • Mental illness, including post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorder, or depression
  • Vision and hearing loss

Steps to Make a Claim:

  1. Report the accident to your employer/supervisor as soon as possible and get a copy of the report.
  2. Seek immediate medical treatment for your injuries, describing each effected  and make sure to tell the doctor the injury is work related.
  3. Obtain the names and addresses of all the witnesses to the accident.
  4. Do not speak to anyone else about your claim other than your doctor.

A New York employer’s liability for on-the-job injuries is generally limited to payment of workers’ compensation benefits. Under New York law, an employee cannot directly sue his employer, with rare exception. However, if an employee in NY, whether in Clifton Park, Albany or elsewhere, suffers a “grave injury,” the employer could be held liable to indemnify or contribute to the injured party in the context of a “third party” lawsuit. That is, the injured employee should bring a lawsuit against the third-party who caused his or her injury, and the third-party could bring the employer into the lawsuit, to “contribute” to or share liability for the injury and damages.

However, if no “grave injury” has been suffered, the injured worker can only attempt to recover damages for personal injuries from other people or entities that have a connection to the worksite. Commonly, lawsuits arising from construction accidents are ones in which the employer is brought into the case under the “grave injury” exception.

Occupational Disease

According to the New York Workers’ Compensation Board, an occupational disease arises from the conditions to which a specific type of worker is exposed. The disease must be produced as a natural incident of a particular occupation, such as asbestosis from asbestos removal.


A person disabled by a work-related occupational disease receives the same benefits as for an on-the job injury. However, the time limit for filing a claim is the later of two dates:

  • Two years from the date of the disabled worker’s disability; or
  • Two years from the time the disabled worker knew or should have known that the disease was due to the nature of employment.

(In the case of death, the dependents must file within the stated time limits).

When a worker becomes ill from an occupational disease, he/she may be disabled even if there is no lost time from work. For purposes of determining the employee’s right to benefits, the date of disablement is determined by a Workers’ Compensation Law Judge.

Occupational Hearing Loss

In the event of occupational loss of hearing, other time limits apply. The waiting period for a worker to file a claim is his/her choice of:

  • Three months from the date the worker is removed from the harmful noise in the workplace; or
  • Three months after leaving the employment in which the exposure to the harmful noise occurred.

The last day of either 3-month period is considered the date the disability began. The worker may file beyond the two-year limit, if it is done within ninety days of knowledge that the hearing loss is related to his/her employment.


How do I start my workers’ compensation claim?

In order to receive Workers’ Compensation, you must file a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Board and fill out a C-3 form. Our law firm is experienced in helping injured workers get the benefits they deserve.

What constitutes a “Grave Injury”?

Under New York Workers’ Compensation Law Section 11 “grave injury” means one or more of the following:

  • death;
  • permanent and total loss of use or amputation of an arm, leg, hand or foot;
  • loss of multiple fingers;
  • loss of multiple toes;
  • paraplegia or quadriplegia;
  • total and permanent blindness;
  • total and permanent deafness;
  • loss of nose;
  • loss of ear;
  • permanent and severe facial disfigurement;
  • loss of an index finger; or
  • an acquired injury to the  brain caused by an external physical force resulting in permanent total disability.

Our attorneys know that for many of our defendants, a courtroom is an unfamiliar place and “the system” is foreign to them and their families. We will hold your hand from the arraignment, through the criminal discovery process and ensure that all your rights are preserved in case of appeal is necessary. We provide zealous legal representation and we guide our clients through the maze of the criminal law system. Our shark attitudes do not back down and work aggressively to resolve your charges by plea bargains, reduced pleas, reduced sentences, motion practice, hearings, and fighting at trial.

Our firm provides skilled representation and criminal matters ranging from violations and misdemeanors to felonies. From the initial police investigation, Criminal complaint, Bail application, motion drafting, hearing arguments through the trial we will advocate aggressively to resolve your charges.

Our attorneys travel to visit incarcerated defendants to ensure the best outcome for their case.

There is no such thing as a “minor” criminal charge when you have a pending criminal matter. When you have been accused of a crime the stakes are very high. Consequences can include: heavy fines, jail or prison time.

Crimes fall into two main categories: misdemeanors and felonies. A felony charge and conviction leads to harsher penalties than a misdemeanor. If you have been accused of a crime, it is imperative to find experienced legal representation.

Our attorneys have experience in planning a strategic defense to combat the tactics used by prosecutors. You may be faced with a number of steps in your case, from jury trials, federal sentencing hearings, criminal appeals, corporate and company investigations, to pre-indictment government inquiries (including federal grand jury investigations, appearances, and subpoena responses), post-indictment trial preparation, and negotiation of immunity agreements and plea agreements.

24 Hour Arraignments

We are available in your time of need!  Arrests and investigations don not only happen during the workday, they occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Police forces and federal agents work around the clock and the attorneys at The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC are on call every day of the year, 24 hours a day and will work around the clock to help you through your legal matter.  We are available 24 hours a day to defend you or your loved one’s freedom!

Without an aggressive attorney, your loved one may remain in a jail longer than necessary! It is extremely important to have a criminal defense lawyer by your side to appear at the arraignment.  An arraignment is the first time, someone arrested sees the Judge for the first time.  Your attorney will make bail arguments on your behalf to advocate for lowest bond to be set, if any.  In New York, when someone is arrested for a crime they are “arraigned” and brought in front of a Judge within 24 hours, where the charges are announced and they may be released, a bail may be set, or a defendant may be kept in jail until the criminal allegations have been resolved.

There are 2 ways a person can be released after an arrest:

  1. A person can be released at the end of their arraignment; “Released on their Own Recognizance” or “ROR”. If a person is released on their own recognizance, they are expected to appear at their next court date without having to “put up money” to be released.
  2. A person is given a set amount to pay in order to “post bail” and be released to appear at their next court date.  The Judge will set a bail or bond amount to ensure the person returns to court after their release. The Judge decides the bail or bond amount after considering several factors, including:
  • The type and severity of the criminal charges;
  • The defendant’s prior criminal record;
  • If the defendant has a history of failing to appear in court;
  • The defendant’s current employment;
  • The defendant’s family and community ties and “flight risk”.

New York law explains have only 24 hours to retain legal representation before being brought before the Judge for an arraignment.  It is absolutely necessary that the arraignment is taken seriously because it is the first step of the criminal process.  With the guidance of our firm, you can be confident that your case is in good hands. Our team has years of experience handling a variety of legal complications, and we may be able to help you as well. Our lawyers are skilled and have a deep understanding of the various New York laws regarding criminal charges and arraignments.

Not only can we defend you at your hearing, but we can also assist you if your hearing was delayed. If you spent more than 24 hours in holding without being brought before a judge, our firm will zealously pursue a case on your behalf. You deserve to be treated like an individual and have your rights protected. You need to work with a top criminal lawyer in Queens. Get in touch with the Law Office of Kevin P. O’Donnell to see how we can help.

An Assistant District Attorney will read the charges against the defendant and they will also present the facts surrounding the arrest to the Judge. At times, the prosecutor requests that the Court keep the defendant in jail to answer to felony charges.  If you or a loved one are arrested, a New York arraignment lawyer can fight the case the prosecution makes and seek their clients’ release.  Your arraignment lawyer will also argue for reduced bail amounts.

The Grigoropoulos Law Group is there in your time of need to handle arraignment hearings, 24 hours a day 365 days a year! If the Court is open and the Judge is ready… so are we!

In New York, the police do not take driving under the influence lightly! Police look for individuals who are operating their vehicles while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Intoxicated drivers are a threat to themselves and to the public!

If you or someone you love was stopped by an officer during a traffic stop or at a DWI checkpoint, or you were arrested as a result of a car accident occurring while under the influence, it’s important that you protect yourself and your driving privileges.

It is extremely important to retain an attorney within 24 hours of an arrest so they can begin building a strong defense against DWI charges.

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence or while intoxicated, DWIs can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies!  The Grigoropoulos Law Group will aggressively defend you in either scenario. The moment you or a family member is arrested, you need to call us immediately!

Some defenses an experienced DWI attorney may present are:

  • The lack of probable cause for a stop or an arrest;
  • An explanations for your appearance and or your behavior;
  • There was a violation of your constitutional rights;
  • There was a faulty Breathalyzer;
  • There were invalid field sobriety test results;
  • There are credibility flaws of the arresting officer or flaws in their testimony.

Your attorney should do a thorough investigation, to find flaws in the prosecution’s evidence and challenge the procedures of the arresting officer.  Sometimes field sobriety testing and some chemical tests are not reliable and the results the police present may not be valid. You need the help of a shark to fight on your behalf and defend you and fight your DWI charges.

Leandra’s Law Could Deem Your First DWI a Felony

Along with 36 other states, New York has certain child endangerment laws that impose harsher penalties on those who endanger child passengers while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The Child Passenger Protection Act, also referred to as Leandra’s Law, has been in effect since 2009. The law was named in honor of Leandra Rosado, an 11-year-old who unfortunately was killed while riding with the intoxicated mother of one of her friends. She was the only fatality out of seven total children involved in the accident.

Under Leandra’s Law, a first offense DWI infraction will be considered an automatic felony if:

  • There is a person under the age of 15 in the vehicle; AND
  • The DWI driver blows a blood alcohol level “BAC” of 0.08 or higher

If convicted, violators of this law could face up to $5,000 in fines and four (4) years in prison.  In addition to these penalties, the use of an ignition interlock device and immediate license suspension pending prosecution may be imposed. Parents or guardians can also be reported to the Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment. Additional penalties may be imposed if the driver causes injury to a child, resulting in a possible 15 year prison sentence, or if the driver causes the death of a child, that may result in a possible 25 year sentence.

If you have been charged with a felony DWI under Leandra’s Law, this is a very serious matter that puts your future at risk.  Call an experienced attorney from The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC to fight your DWI charges and advocate for the best possible outcome!

A felony conviction is a serious matter. If you receive a felony conviction, you face probation, steep fines or prison time. Your record will permanently list your conviction, possibly making it difficult to secure housing or a stable job. When you have been arrested, you need an attorney who can navigate the complex legal issues surrounding a felony charge. The attorneys at The Grigoropoulos Law Group possess a deep understanding of state and federal law, the complexities of litigation, and the power of investigation.

New York law includes the following crimes as felony charges:

  • Drug possession or sale
  • Weapons Charges
  • Aggravated or sexual assault
  • Murder
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Arson
  • Kidnapping
  • DWI
  • Grand Larceny
  • Falsifying Business Records

Misdemeanor convictions are less severe than felony, but both can be costly in terms of time spent fighting the charges, and facing the penalties themselves if convicted. You can be sentenced to one year in the county jail. Skilled legal representation from a criminal defense team is critical in the event you or someone you know has been arrested on misdemeanor or felony charges.

Our attorneys have experience helping those wrongly accused of misdemeanor crimes. We are able to conduct a thorough investigation, using medical records, reports from local authorities, even video footage to defend your rights.

Some misdemeanors may be converted to a felony if evidence reveals that the charges do not fit the crime. If the court is provided with enough evidence, some misdemeanor crimes can be reduced to a simple infraction. Common misdemeanor charges in New York include:

  • Assault
  • Harassment
  • Public lewdness
  • Driving on a suspended/invalid/without a license
  • DWI
  • Possession of Marijuana or drugs (may also be a felony)
  • Petit larceny
  • Criminal mischief
  • Conspiracy
  • Tampering with evidence
  • Stalking
  • Sexual assault
  • Check forging, fraud
  • Loitering

In New York, violent crimes can carry serious consequences with them. People being charged with violent crimes vary from young ages to mature adults.  A defendant’s freedom and reputation is on the line. It is extremely important to understand your rights and the challenges of your case as well as the road ahead.

Penalties for committing a violent crime in NY depend on the level of charges, the age of the victim involved and the type of injuries that were sustained. Regardless of the severity of the criminal charges, any conviction will greatly impact your life.

In New York violent crimes are determinate, which means the sentence will be for a set period of years instead of a possible range of years.

The state of New York uses the following sentencing guidelines for violent felonies:

Class A: This is the most serious felony offense, carrying a minimum of 15 and 40 years & up to a life sentence in prison.

Class B: The maximum prison sentence an individual convicted of this class of offense is 25 years, with a minimum of 5 years.

Class C: Depending on the type of factors related to the crime, a Class C offense can carry up to 15 years in prison & a minimum of 3.5 years.

Class D: Just barely more severe than a Class E felony, this type of offense will carry a maximum sentence of 7 years, with a minimum of 2 years.

Class E: The lightest of the felonies, this offense can result in up to 4 years in prison, with a minimum of 1 year.

In addition to jail or prison time, a convicted felon may have to pay thousands of dollars in fines and restitution to the victim(s). There are also many additional penalties a person will face if convicted, they include:

  • Being stripped of the right to vote;
  • Being unable and it being illegal to purchase weapons and firearms;
  • Possibly being required to pay restitution for/to the victim;
  • Felony probation.

These types of violent felony charges can destroy an individual’s life. If you or a loved one are being accused of a felony call and schedule your free consultation today.  You must be aware of your legal options and you can do so by speaking with an experienced criminal defense attorney from The Grigoropoulos Law Group!

When it comes to white collar crime, not all legal representation is the same. If you are under investigation, have been charged or are a witness in a white collar crime case, you need an attorney who will protect your rights. Corporate officers, physicians, accountants, office staff and business owners who are involved in an investigation should be represented by an attorney every step of the way. White collar crimes are complex; charges may be filed in a federal court, where they have their own rules of evidence and sentencing guidelines. The Grigoropoulos Law Group is active in Federal Court to defend against Federal charges.

Experienced Defense for White Collar Crimes

Our professional attorneys will sort through voluminous amounts of evidence, interview witnesses, review complex financials and aggressively defend our clients of white collar crimes:

  • Bank fraud
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Insurance fraud
  • Medicare/Medicaid fraud
  • No-fault insurance fraud
  • Perjury
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Bribery
  • Money laundering
  • Credit card fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Extortion
  • Forgery
  • Identity theft
  • Racketeering/RICO
  • Securities fraud
  • Tax evasion/tax fraud
  • Mail fraud
  • Wire fraud

We aggressively represent medical providers in collecting their denied and outstanding No-Fault claims.

Our attorneys fight to recover unpaid No-Fault bills by immediately initiating collection efforts by way of arbitrations, litigation and settlement negotiations.
Insurance companies are known to arbitrarily deny No-Fault claims, anticipating that the medical provider or facility will not seek to collect on the bill. When they are faced with our attorneys arguments, the demand for interest and a demonstration of key records they typically change their tune!

Our firm is large enough to efficiently handle numerous specialties including, hospitals, surgical-centers, orthopedists, neurologists, physiatrists, dentists, physical therapists, podiatrists, chiropractors and acupuncturists, yet small enough to keep close contact with our medical providers to ensure a speedy follow up with denials and submission of bills to avoid policy exhaustion.

Additionally, regular status calls to clients and case reports make the decision to allow our firm to recover your outstanding No-Fault claims an easy one!

Our Immigration department is a full-service firm; although we are located New York,  our clients are nationwide! We provide our clients with personalized, one-on-one, professional services in the highly complex area of immigration law.

We specialize in family and employment-based immigration and assist clients in all jurisdictions of the United States in obtaining all categories of visas and in the process of acquiring permanent residency in the United States. We help individuals through the citizenship and naturalization process and other matters including deferred action, asylum, humanitarian parole and temporary protected status.
Our firm provides a strong, effective deportation defense in removal proceedings and we fight zealously for the release of immigrants detained at the border or otherwise by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Our services include the representation of international employers seeking to set up new businesses or affiliate offices in the United States, as well as employers seeking to obtain work permits, visas and/or residency (green cards) for their employees.

Within the area of family-based immigration law, we assist individual clients to obtain residency for their family members, which may include spouses, fiancees, children, siblings, and parents. We also represent persons who are seeking to become citizens of the United States through the naturalization process.

We can assist you or your family member with:

  • Family-based immigration through fiancee, spouse, child, parent, brother/sister.
  • Representation during Removal Proceedings and Bond Hearings throughout the Immigration Court processes in all areas of the country.
  • Political Asylum, Withholding of Removal, CAT relief, and Cancellation of Removal..
  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions, VAWA, U Visas.
  • Naturalization/US Citizenship/Appeals.
  • Motions to Reopen/Reconsider, Hardship Waivers, Humanitarian Parole, Provisional Waivers.
  • Our staff speaks Spanish, Greek, Italian, French, Korean and Russian.
  • Payment Plans Available. Free consultations in person.

When faced with removal, our Immigration Lawyers assists clients throughout the entire process. This may include advice during detention and bond hearings, as well as assistance in applying for relief from removal in the forms of political asylum, withholding of removal, cancellation of removal, VAWA relief, adjustment of status, U Visas, derivative citizenship and any other forms of relief available. We also assist clients to apply for affirmative asylum and refugee status. We attend bond and bond reduction hearings on behalf of our clients. Our removal practice also seeks to assist special immigrant juveniles and criminal aliens facing deportation.

The vast majority of non-immigrant visas are available for business and employment-based immigration purposes and more commonly include the following visas:

E-1/E-2 Treaty Trader and Investor Visas — Available to investors, traders and their employees to conduct business in the U.S. if their country of origin has a treaty with the U.S. granting visa eligibility.

H-1B Specialty Occupation (Professional) Visas — Available to professional workers holding at least a bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent work experience) upon demonstration by their employer that at least the prevailing wage shall be paid for the position.

J-1 and Q-1 Exchange Visitor Visas — Available to participants (including students, short-term scholars, business trainees, teachers, professors, research scholars, specialists, international visitors, government visitors, camp counselors and au pairs) entering the U.S. through an approved exchange visitor’s program.

L-1 Intra-Company Transfer Visas — Available to executives, managers and employees with specialized knowledge to transfer to their employer’s U.S. parent, affiliate or subsidiary. Transferred executives and managers holding L-1 Visas may become eligible for permanent residency without the need for labor certification.

O-1 Extraordinary Ability Worker Visas — Available to foreign nationals with extraordinary ability seeking admission in the U.S.

P-1 Artists and Athletes Visas — Available to athletes, artists and entertainers seeking entry into the U.S.

R-1 Religious Worker Visas — Available to religious workers seeking entry into the U.S.

TN North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Visas — Available to nationals of Canada and Mexico under NAFTA who seek employment in the U.S. and other Temporary and Non-Immigrant Visas;

Additional bases for seeking non-immigrant visas include, without limitation:

B-1/B-2 Visitor’s Visas — Available to business (B-1) and pleasure (B-2) visitors entering the U.S. for short durations (B-1 visitors may not engage in local employment). Foreign nationals of certain favored countries (i.e., Canada, United Kingdom and Japan) may be permitted stays in the U.S. for up to 90 days under applicable visa waiver rules.

C Transit Visas — Available to foreign nationals in immediate and continuous transit through the U.S.

F-1 Student Visas — Available to students engaged in full-time, non-vocational, academic studies at post-secondary institutions who are qualified to pursue such study. A person holding an F-1 visa is eligible to change status to H-1B (or another status) during the 60-day grace period.

I-1 Journalist/Representatives of Media Visas — Available to members of the foreign press or media (including reporters, freelance journalists and film crew members) seeking to enter the U.S. solely for non-commercial vocational purposes.

M-1 Vocational Student Visas — Available to foreign nationals pursuing non-academic vocational study at post-secondary vocational/business schools.

S Visa – Available to foreign nationals who assist U.S. federal or state government officials by providing information essential to the success of an authorized criminal investigation or prosecution.

T Visa – Available to individuals who have been subject to severe forms of trafficking in persons (including the use of force, fraud or coercion for sex trafficking and/or involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery).

U Visa – Available to persons who have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse by virtue of being a victim of certain crimes.

V Visa – Available to spouses or children of lawful permanent residents, if the permanent residents filed a petition for the spouse or child before December 21, 2000 and it has been pending for more than three years.
If you or a family member have more immigration questions to have answered, call today to speak to an experienced Immigration lawyer! 

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